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Pasi Sahlberg_Finlandia

Pasi §ahlberg is a Finnish citizen who received an MSc (Mathematicslin l9S4fromthe, University of Turku, a Teacher's Diploma from the University of Helsinki in '1985;,and,a PhD'§ducation) from the University of Jyvaskylä in 1996.

He has worked as teacher, teachel trainer, researcher, change coach, and policy advisor in Finland. Pasi served as Senior educatfon,§.pecidrsf, if the World Bank in Washington, DC (2003-07) and as Lead Education Specialist in the European Training Foundation, in Torino, ltaly (2007-09). He is an active internåtional speaker and wrlter, and has worked with the OECD, The World Bank, The European Commision,änd as advisor to several governments in more than 40 countries. ln his current job as director general of CIMO (National Centre for lnternational Mobility and Cooperation) at the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture he promotes internationalization in the Finnish education syst§m,,and awareness of Finland's experience in educational change.

Pasi's research interests inoludeleducational change, education policy and school improvement and he is Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki and at the University of Oulu. He is member of the Board,,of.Dneciors of the ASCD, The lnternational Association for the Study of Cooperation in Education (IASCE) and The Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Helsinki.

He is editoriat board member of several professional journals, such as Journal of Educational Change_and Journal for Educational Policy Studies. His most recent book is called "Finnish lessons”.

Twitter: @pasi-sahlberg.

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